Monday, November 16, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 12

This past week was a relatively easy one. The only thing I really had to worry about was getting ahead on studying for a Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy test I have this week. The tests are pretty easy but it is a ton of information to memorize. For our previous exam in the class I had 122 terms to know for fill in the blank questions and 37 short essay questions. I make flash cards like crazy and this helps me to memorize all the information I need to know. Hopefully this upcoming test will go as well as the previous two!
My weekend was a pretty good one overall. I spent my entire night on Friday though sitting in front of the tv watching the news. I can’t imagine what the French people were going through. All I can say is thank God the bomber at the stadium was not able to actually make it inside. The eyes of the world were on Paris this weekend but we can’t forget that events like that are a daily occurrence in regions of the Middle East. People all over the world are in need of lots of prayers right now and we can’t forget that.
On a lighter note, how about them Sooners?! What a great win over Baylor this weekend. If we can win out hopefully we could be a contender for the fourth playoff spot. Everyone keep your fingers crossed! Lastly, I was able to be an extra in a movie  my Grandpa is working on. The movie is called “The Scent of Rain and Lightning” and is based off of a book. I was in a courtroom scene and sat just two row behind Will Patton! This was such an incredible experience to see the actors in action. Look for me on the big screen when the film comes out!
My Grandma and I on Set

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, it sounds like you have had a lot to do for this class! At least it is the end of the semester, so hopefully things will continue to get easier.
    I agree with you that people all over the world need prayers and good thoughts right now. What happened in Paris opened people’s eyes, I think. It was terrible, but hopefully we can learn from it and help prevent other attacks from happening.
