Friday, October 30, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Tejas Legends

Rather than do an essay I decided to do the extra reading assignment so that I could read the other half of the Tejas Legends unit (since I only did one half earlier in the week). I really liked the story When the Storm God Rides because it hit close to home. This story detailed why there are islands around the coast of Texas. The Native Americans say they were created by the Storm God. This god had a giant bird that the Indians were scared of. One day the Storm God witnessed the Indians killing birds. He created these little islands for the birds so they could get away from man and be safe. I’m from San Antonio and it’s only two to three hours from the coast depending on where you want to go. During the summer my friends and I like to make day trips down to the beach. It is just really neat to see a story explaining how all of the little islands came about, especially since it is in an area I have been going to for years. In other stories it also discusses Spanish moss and the winds from the Gulf of Mexico. The Spanish moss gets really prevalent the closer you get to Louisiana. Once you’re in Louisiana that stuff is everywhere! I don’t think we really have it in San Antonio.  I’m glad I chose to read this unit. On my next beach trip I’ll have to tell my friends how all the islands came about;)
Map of approximate locations of Native groups

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kirstin, I have got to say wow! What an excellent job in retelling this story in modern times. It really allows me to imagine everything and because everything is so modern it sounds like a story that could actually happen. I really like the meaning behind your story even though it has a sad ending. Due to the sad ending it gets me thinking that life is sometimes unfair and usually does not have happy endings. Keep up the good work!
