Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Introduction/ Tech Tip: Embedded YouTube

Hey everybody! My name is Kristin Murto and I am in my third year here at OU and I’m on track to graduate early. I’m a biology major, not Pre-med like everyone else, with aspirations to one day work for SeaWorld. Ever since I was a little kid I have had a huge passion for animals and knew in some way I wanted to have a career working with them. I’m from San Antonio, Texas but I actually spent a chunk of my childhood here in Oklahoma. My mom went to school here and I was born at Norman Regional Hospital so I truly am “Sooner born and Sooner bred”. Because of my mom I grew up to be the biggest Sooner fan. Football, basketball, and soccer are my favorites but overall I’m a huge sports fanatic. I played them my whole life and even walked on to the rowing team here my freshman year, just to try something new. There is nothing I love more than watching our Sooners stomp the competition. 

My other love would definitely be travelling. As mentioned in my previous post I’ve been fortunate enough to experience many different places and cultures. Hawaii is my favorite place but France would be a close second! I loved everything about France; the culture, rustic buildings, and of course the food! I have never eaten better food in my entire life. For my senior trip my family and I went to Costa Rica and did several excursions like zip lining over the rainforest and white water rafting. As you can see from the picture everyone else had a blast but I was scared to death! I’ve also been on two cruises which have taken me to various places within the Caribbean. Within the states I’ve ventured to a couple for skiing alone and of course I’ve been to Disney World and Disney Land!

I could go on about other things in my life but sports and travelling are probably two of the biggest things in my life. Most of my favorite memories have either been from playing sports or being on vacation with my family, and these are things I will treasure forever.
(Showing My Devotion at a Young Age)

(White Water Rafting in Costa Rica)

(Skiing in Colorado, We Love OU!)


  1. Wow, you've been able to travel so much, Kristin: that is great! And your goal of working for SeaWorld is really exciting. The world of the oceans is almost like another planet here on our own planet: we don't have to go to outer space to discover something that is totally different from the world that we live in, where we are the aliens really, watching and seeing how this underwater world works. Maybe you will want to do a project related to legends of the sea, sea monsters (or so-called monsters!), stories of whales and dolphins and other remarkable sea creatures... anyway, you can see what grabs your attention. As you can imagine, there are beautiful stories about the sea from different cultures all over the world!

  2. I'm not gonna lie, I was surprised when I saw that you wanted to work with Sea World - mostly because, from I can tell, they're losing business because of a documentary called "Blackfish". (Just to clarify: I'm in no way passing judgement! I know things can kinda get lost-in-translation when you're just reading text and you can't hear tone or watch for facial cues.)

    Anyway! That's awesome that you've been able to travel around so much! I love sports, too, but my favorite sport is ice hockey. OU even has a pretty good team (well, whenever we stay out of the penalty box).

  3. Hi Kristin! My name is Brie and I really enjoyed getting to know you a little better from your introduction! I feel like we already have a lot in common! I am a huge sports fan like you, and I noticed your picture skiing. I am from Colorado and so I love all of the snow sports in addition to the traditional sports like soccer and football. I am also studying biology, but I think it is really awesome how you are pursuing something different with it. I love traveling too. I was in France for the first time this summer and it was absolutely beautiful. I was perfectly entertained just strolling around and eating good food throughout my day. I also love Hawaii! I definitely need to go back someday. What is your favorite island? I wish you the best of luck with all of your endeavors!

  4. Hi Kristin! My name is Brie and I really enjoyed getting to know you a little better from your introduction! I feel like we already have a lot in common! I am a huge sports fan like you, and I noticed your picture skiing. I am from Colorado and so I love all of the snow sports in addition to the traditional sports like soccer and football. I am also studying biology, but I think it is really awesome how you are pursuing something different with it. I love traveling too. I was in France for the first time this summer and it was absolutely beautiful. I was perfectly entertained just strolling around and eating good food throughout my day. I also love Hawaii! I definitely need to go back someday. What is your favorite island? I wish you the best of luck with all of your endeavors!

  5. I think it is awesome that you want to work for Seaworld. I grew up in a small town here in Oklahoma, but my mom took me on several trips to Seaworld! I loved it so much I wanted to live there. I also love traveling! Hawaii is sooooo beautiful! I definitely understand why it's your favorite place! I grew up Sooner born and Sooner bred too! My uncle used to wrestle here and he is now the assistant coach so along with OU football, basketball, and softball; I have been watching OU wrestling for as long as I can remember. I also think it's amazing that you walked on to the rowing team your freshman year! That program has grown so much since I came to OU! The outstanding progress and growth the rowing team has achieved in just a few years is so encouraging and shows just how hard you all work!

  6. I think it is neat that you walked onto the OU rowing team! I like to follow sports and play them as well. It sounds like you probably have some pretty awesome summers considering all the places you have been! I have always wanted to zip line and cannot imagine doing that over a rain forest. Sounds cool! Boomer Sooner!

  7. Kristin,
    I also really love sports and traveling! I grew up watching sports with my dad and I actually work for the football team! Last summer I was able to go to Italy so I know what you mean about the food! Europe is amazing and everything about it is just magical! I have never been to Hawaii but I really want to go. It's also so cool that you were on the rowing team, I have a few friends who were also on it so I always got to hear about it from them! haha

  8. I am so jealous of all the international travelling that you have done! I've traveled within the States, but never outside of the country. Food is always the best part of a new place, especially somewhere with such fantastic cuisine as France. Even Hawaii sounds like a great place to try new food!

    I have never been a fan of sports, other than the sports that I have participated in over the years. Swimming will always be near and dear to my heart, but of course OU doesn't have a swim team!

  9. It is so cool that you’ve traveled to different places. I also like how you are choosing a different career path. All I’ve seen are pre-med, which isn’t bad at all but its cool to see some diversity. I liked your recent story so I look forward to reading more of your work. I like to travel to San Antonio for the river walk and hopefully I can travel to a fraction of the places you have been to.

  10. Hey Kristin,
    Sports is one of my favorite things to! I also like to watch the Sooners take out competition with ease. I think its really cool that you have had the opportunity to travel to different places and experience the different cultures found in each place.I also have had the opportunity to do the same and i have to say it is one of my favorite things to do as well.

  11. I've never been super into sports, but I definitely can relate to your love for all things sooner football. I do actually like soccer though, since my little brother is really into it. I have always loved animals too but decided against doing anything with it because I would rather just live with a ton of animals than see a bunch of sad stuff. This summer I also had the opportunity to swim with dolphins, so I definitely understand the desire to work at seaworld because it was definitely an amazing experience. Nice to meet you!

  12. Hey Kristin,
    That's so cool that you've been a Sooners fan all your life! Kudos to you for graduating early! I am currently on my 5th year as a journalism major. I was also fortunate enough to travel to different countries while in college. I did a summer in Spain and it was the best experience! Great to meet you!

  13. I think it's really cool how you were sooner born and sooner bred, even if you didn't live in Norman. That is quite a unique story. I also think all of the sports you did are really cool, including rowing! That sounds like it would be really interesting to do.

    Also, those pictures of you are so great--especially the one of you as a young sooner's fan! Love all the school spirit here!

  14. Krisin,

    I must say your "not-pre med like everyone else" comment made me giggle. It is true that the biology degree is many times referred to as the "pre-med" degree. Kudos to you for your aspirations! Sea World seems like a really cool place. I wanted to go there while on my honeymoon but we ran out of time and San Diego was about a 2 1/2 hour drive from our hotel and we wouldn't make it back in time to return our rental car. I was bummed but definitely want to travel to San Antonio to check it out. I am so jealous of all your travel experience. Traveling is so relaxing. It is great! Good luck to you and the rest of your semester!

  15. Hey there Kristin,

    It's great to hear of a biology major that's not pre-med every once in a while! I think it's cool that you want to work with animals at Sea World. I could definitely see that being such a fun career! I wish I could say I've been to places like France and Hawaii too, but hopefully I will be able to in the future! They seem like such awesome places to experience.

    It was great to meet you and I hope everything goes well for you!

  16. Hello, Kristin. It is nice to meet you and to read about the places you like. Some day I would like to visit Hawaii but it isn't on the top of my list. I really liked Mexico. I really don't have much of a desire to go to Italy because if the difference in languages but I would love to go there to try their food. I am also different form everyone else because I am a microbiology major but not pre-med. It was nice to meet you. Good luck on your future.

  17. Hi, Kristin!

    First, I love that you embedded a video onto your introduction! I haven’t seen anyone else do that, so it was really new and different!
    I have so much respect for you for graduating early as a bio major. I am also on track to graduate early, but I am not sure I could have done so if I were pursing a different degree. Nicely done!
    I hope the rest of your semester goes really well, and I hope to someday see you working at SeaWorld!

  18. Hi Kristin!
    It’s awesome that you have such high aspirations! I hope you do end up working to SeaWorld. I wonder what you think of the changes that ae supposed to be happening with their whales and their shows? It is so neat that you’ve had the opportunity to travel to so many places. I’m planning on traveling throughout part of Europe in about a month myself.

  19. Hello Kristin,

    Nice video! I'll have to do a tech tip and try embedding a video on my page! Congrats on graduating early! I'm on the struggle bus trying to complete my degree in five years and it is tough! I guess that's what I get for being so involved on campus. I hope you have enjoyed this semester as much as I have! Have a happy holiday!
