Friday, November 6, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Looking Glass

For today’s assignment I chose to do some extra reading rather than write an essay. Since I read the Alice and Wonderland unit earlier in the week I wanted to read the Looking Glass unit. I read the first half of it because it had the sections with Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, and the Walrus and The Carpenter. I remembered both of these sections from the Disney movie, but I never understood the desire of the Walrus to eat the little baby oysters. My child self couldn’t understand why someone could be so mean! One big difference between this unit and the movie I once loved was the addition of Humpty Dumpty. I guess he didn’t make the cut for the movie! Humpty grows angry with Alice because she knows the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty so she knows what he is doing perched up on the wall. He doesn’t believe her when she insists that his story is within a book. I did love how they brought up the premise of unbirthays in this section! Overall it was pretty cool to see a part of the Alice story that I have not seen before. What made it even better was the fact that it was a popular nursery rhyme mixed in with this classic piece of writing.
Through The Looking Glass

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