Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Reading Diary A: Beowulf

For my reading this week I diverted from the reading plan I did a couple of weeks ago. I chose to read the Beowulf unit. I read it in high school and saw the animated movie with Angelina Jolie so this was a refresher. I enjoy rereading classic pieces of literature such as this. Plus, the story of Beowulf is such an intriguing one because of his battles against mythical beasts. In the first half of the unit Beowulf's background is detailed, he journeyed to Daneland, and he arrived at Heorot. Beowulf journeyed to this land so that he could defeat the mighty Grendel that was wreaking havoc on the Danish people (his fight with Grendel will be in the second half). Before this point many people doubted Beowulf on his stories, achievements, and his abilities. In going to Daneland and defeating Grendel he could prove himself once and for all.

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