Thursday, September 3, 2015

Bible Women Essay

All of the stories within the Bible Women unit exemplify the traditional role of women during these old times. They were expected to be good loyal wives and bear many sons for their husbands. The society was entirely patriarchal and women didn't have much of a say in anything.

Two stories that I felt were perfect examples would be that of Sarah and Hagar. These stories are actually essentially the same story just continued over a span of time. Sarah was the wife of Abraham and unfortunately she was unable to provide him with children. Abraham loved his wife very much and had never been unfaithful to her when most men would have. In her desperation and old age she pleaded with her husband to take on another woman, her handmaiden. She was so desperate to do her duty as a wife and provide a child for her husband that she condoned adultery. Abraham used Hagar and did get her pregnant. She went on to have a son named Ishmael. This caused a huge rift between the women as the grew jealous and spiteful towards one another. A miracle occurred one day and allowed Sarah to finally become pregnant. She gave birth to a son named Isaac in her very advanced age. This was the final straw between the two women. Sarah finally gave her husband a son therefore there was no need for his son Ishmael anymore. She demanded Hagar and her child leave and never return. Hagar was given no choice in the matter even though she loved Abraham and Abraham loved his son.

In both cases the women do everything in their power to please Abraham. Sarah gave her consent but Hagar certainly did not. These women perfectly embody the traditional role of women especially Hagar due to the fact that she never once has a say in anything. Interestingly though, Sarah is fairly in control of her life which is unlike the other women of these stories. The one thing that makes her the same as the other women though is the way the pressures of what is expected of her affect her self and her marriage. She saw such importance in providing a child for her husband that she allowed her husband to sin and break a vow he made in sight of God. It must be truly terrible to feel so worthless that you are willing to allow your husband to do such a terrible thing.

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