Monday, September 21, 2015

Tech Tips: New Website

After much difficulty I was finally able to create my new website for the Storybook Project. I choose to do it with Google Sites and I found that my web browser of choice doesn't like this site! I'm looking forward to working on this project throughout the semester and seeing what stories I will come across! Below is the link to my new website.


  1. Which browser are you using?

    I use Google Chrome, but for some reason it doesn’t like Sites or Blogger much. So whenever I have to do blog or project comments, I have to use Microsoft Edge (which is An Experience). I can post stuff just fine to my blog using Chrome, but if I try to comment on other blogs – it just logs me out.

    I haven’t tried Firefox because I didn’t want to take the time to download it…

  2. This is so interesting! I am a complete creature of Chrome. I use Firefox, but I never log in to Google there; I use it to compare what it's like to be logged into Google (Chrome) or not logged in (Firefox).
    The ways of the computer are just too complex for mere mortals to understand.
    The Chrome goddess must like me. :-)
