Monday, September 21, 2015

Reading Diary A: Arabian Nights

I chose to read the Arabian Nights unit this week. This was without a doubt the most interesting unit I have read thus far in the class because of the way in which the stories are told. The whole premise is that a woman is telling a story to save her life by never letting the story end. In doing this every story is actually within another story. At one point in the unit during The Husband and the Parrot, this represents a story within a story within a story within a story within a story within a story. Sound confusing? Because it definitely is! If you don’t keep straight who is telling the story from the previous story it is easy to get lost especially when it cuts back to a previous storyteller. All of the stories were really intriguing I just find myself getting a little lost story hopping as much as the unit does. Ultimately the way these stories are told is really unique. This unit could be related to the movie Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio, although this reading contains more levels than the movie did! This was a pretty cool unit with some really good stories. Now I’m looking forward to reading the next half of the unit that has the story of Aladdin!
Arabian Nights

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