Thursday, September 17, 2015

Storytelling Week 4: The Leap

In a small village there lived a man and his wife and they were very deeply in love. The couple had been blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby girl. She was their pride and joy and nothing made them happier. While away on a hunt with the other men of the village they encountered a mighty tiger. The beast killed two men before the husband was able to attack. He was able to thrust his spear in the tiger as it leapt on top of him. The man killed the tiger but sustained great injuries to himself in the process.
The other men made a makeshift hammock of large leaves to carry him home in. They wrapped him in the pelt of the tiger in hopes this would give him the strength he needed to make it back to the village. They carried their injured friend as fast as they could in hopes the healer could save him. He was brought immediately to his tent and the medicine man began his work. The wife was then informed of her husband’s condition. However, he passed before she was able to make it to the tent. The wife was inconsolable over the loss of her husband, but what really made her heart ache was knowing her sweet child would grow up without a father.
A great funeral feast was held to honor the husband and the other two men who were killed by the mighty tiger. The pelt of the beast was offered to the wife since he was the one who slayed it and prevented further loss of life. A customary time of grieving was allowed for the woman before suitors began approaching her.
She was definitely the most beautiful of the women in the village and the available men sought after her greatly. All though she could never love another man as she had her husband she knew she could not provide a good life for her daughter without a strong man who could work far better than she. For this reason alone the woman accepted the proposal of the strongest man in the village.
The man she married was a brutal and selfish man. He had few friends because most were scared of him. He wished to marry the woman because he felt only she was worthy of him. He felt this way because she was the most beautiful and he deserved nothing less than the best. Though she was the only one worthy of him, he quickly became bored with her. All she could do was talk about and play with her baby. He grew to resent his wife and her child because she didn’t love him as much as she did her baby. He soon grew very abusive towards his wife and the little girl.  He quit working and demanded his wife start working to earn her keep. The woman had no choice but to obey her husband so she would leave her child with him when she went to work the fields.
The anger had built up so much within the man that he killed the baby in a fit of rage when it wouldn’t stop crying. The man felt no remorse over this act but still thought to hide it from his wife. In his eyes now that the baby was gone his wife might finally love him. He proceeded to chop up the baby and cook her in a stew.
When the wife came home from a hard day of labor she was quite surprised to see her husband seemed to be in a cheerful mood and had even cooked her dinner. She questioned where her daughter was but the man dismissed her and told her to eat. The two sat down and together they ate they stew made from her baby. For once they actually enjoyed their time together and the husband grew hopeful thinking about their future. When the wife went to get the desert she discovered the hand of her child hidden in a basket. Her husband quickly confessed and claimed it was only out of love for her. The grief over took her for she loved nothing as much as her sweet baby girl. She kept calm though because she needed to take care of her wicked husband.
She acknowledged her husband’s love for her and verified he had truly done her a good service. She asked that they could go watch the sunset from the nearby waterfall in honor of their first night truly together as man and wife. The husband obliged and together they went to the waterfall hand in hand. Once there the woman wrapped her arms around her husband, looked him in the eyes, and said, “Die”. With that she used all her might to fling the both of them off the side of the cliff.  
The husband did not deserve the wonderful life he had on Earth and the wife could not bear to live a day without her sweet baby. To this day the woman’s wails are the reason the waterfalls bellow so loudly. They grieve for the loss of the baby and the mother who loved her so dearly.
Author’s Note: This story is based on The Leap of Ka Likai. I chose to detail the death of the original husband to illustrate the love the two shared. I found it odd that the original didn't even mention how he died. Another difference between my telling and the original is the behavior of the second husband. I chose to make him actually love the wife instead of entirely hating her. Lastly I changed the very end when only the woman flung herself off the side of the cliff. I didn’t think the husband deserved to live after killing the baby so I had the woman kill him as well.


  1. This was certainly a thrilling story! I did not read the original, but I enjoyed the changes that you made. I definitely think that including details on the death of the husband added depth to the story. I also like that you had the second husband be jealous. He definitely loved himself first, but he at least felt affection towards the wife and indignation that she loved her baby more. I like that you had her commit murder-suicide at the end, as it showed her love for her family and her inability to leave such a ruthless and brutal man with the friends that she was leaving behind.

  2. I liked how you gave a reason the first husband died and how the next husband loved her instead of despise her. This story can be very relatable to today’s time, except for the baby feast, but some people can be that crazy. However the love for one person making them do crazy things for the ones that they love is something that most people go through, even to go and murder someone. The part where she jumps off with him is a nice touch too. I enjoyed this overall and it was easy to read.
